remote work

How to Reignite Workplace Culture After Return to Work Orders

Subscribe to the Leadership with Heart Podcast! The transition back to the office after a period of remote work can be met with mixed emotions from employees. For many, the comfort and flexibility of working from home have become a cherished routine. Suddenly, the return-to-work orders can feel like an unwelcome disruption. Imagine starting your … Read more

Getting Listening Right in a Virtual World

virtual world

Whether it was at the height of the pandemic or recently, if you’ve gone through the transition from an in-office environment to now working fully remote – your listening skills may feel like they’ve taken a big hit. Seeking to understand and listening (the right way) have proven to be strenuous battles as many leaders … Read more

Overcoming Isolation When Working Remotely

overcoming isolation remote work

In the midst of Covid-19, a vast majority of leaders transitioned employees from a face-to-face environment to working virtually and for many, that became permanent. In the beginning, I think we could all agree that it was a bit of relief being home with the unknown balance of the world, but fast-forward a few years, … Read more

Staying Engaged in the Virtual World

zoom virtual meeting

Virtual Workplaces I recently spoke at an event where a few of the audience members admitted that they hadn’t been engaging as much with their team because of now being virtual. They said that regularly scheduled one-on-ones and town halls had been canceled because of the inability to meet in person. Learning to accept these … Read more

Remote Work Culture: A Stronger Connection than Your Wifi

woman with a dog at home remote work

No Such Thing as a Normal Zoom Call Almost every Zoom call I’ve been on this year has been quietly interrupted by my dog. The door in my basement office opens slowly and no one visibly comes through it, but down there under the desk Alex snuggles up around my ankles. And on many of … Read more

What Triggers You?


Have you ever been asked what are your biggest pet peeves? One of my employees was just asked this recently, and mentioned that it’s a question posed to her quite often. Pet peeve is just a more common and light-hearted term for something we all experience, triggers. On our HR Community Hour last week, we … Read more

Caring Leadership Includes Everyone

caring leader woman

I often hear people say, “Oh, I am not a leader yet.” Then, I promptly stop them in their tracks to let them know that everyone leads someone, whether with or without a manager title.  Leading has a lot less to do with a title and more to do with the impact we have on … Read more

Modeling Caring Leadership Behaviors in Hard Times

caring leadership behaviors

If you’ve been following my blog or my journey, or if you just found me, you may have heard that on Tuesday, April 13th, I published my second book, The Art of Caring Leadership: How Leading with Heart Uplifts Teams and Organizations. And, while I’ve written about Caring Leadership extensively in the past, today I … Read more

Caring Leadership Came Alive During the Pandemic

Today is the day that my second book, The Art of Caring Leadership: How Leading With Heart Uplifts Teams & Organizations, officially launches! Of course, I’d be lying if I told you I embarked on this journey alone, or that the journey has been an easy one. At the beginning of the pandemic, and for the first few … Read more

Caring Leadership Is a Team Sport

I am a fast-moving person who drives for success. I also lead with my heart. Often, I am moving so fast that I outrun my own capabilities, and I have a hard time asking for help. When I take the time to pause, I release the need to control everything around me and invite others … Read more


Leadership With Heart With Heather R Younger

“Heather’s courage and vulnerability to share her authentic self are truly inspiring. She shares the most cutting-edge leadership strategies on topics like emotional intelligence and employee experience. If you’re looking to sharpen your leadership skills, this podcast is for you.”

Heather is a Workplace Culture Expert


CEO of Employee Fanatix

A leading workplace culture and employee engagement consulting & training firm.

A highly sought-after keynote speaker

Bringing the best insights from over 25,000 employee stories to the stage.

A top company culture strategist

An expert in creating spaces for these vital conversations.

A contributor to leading news outlets

A trusted expert for stories on workplace culture, customer and employee engagement, and employee retention.


The Cycle of Active Listening

Create a listening culture that elevates the workplace experience for everyone.

Through this guide, uncover how to ensure those in your care at work feel heard and valued, resulting in increased loyalty and satisfaction.

  • Understand why listening is the key to improved engagement
  • Learn how the Cycle of Active Listening contributes to strong workplace relationships
  • Get a practical framework for creating a listening culture that is bidirectional, responsive, and supportive

Contact Heather Today!


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