How to Create Loyal Employees

Mastering the Art of Attention: Overcoming Distractions

When thinking about mastering the art of attention and finding the ability to overcome distractions, what is the first thing that comes to mind? How do you go about overcoming the challenges that distractions may bring you? What impact does the way we communicate with or without distractions have on the people around us? When … Read more

 Perspectives on Inclusive Leadership

What comes to mind when you think of inclusive leadership within the workplace? If you have been reading my work or watching my videos, you know that I think inclusion starts with active listening.  My latest book is dedicated to clarifying and simplifying this topic. When I think of inclusion, I also think of allowing … Read more

The Power of Caring Leadership™️:Why It Matters More Than Ever

When I was on a college visit with my son in NY, we had to navigate through Penn Station, hopping on and off different trains. We stumbled upon one train but weren’t sure if it was the right one. As it left, a kind lady directed us to a faster option. As we climbed the … Read more

Why ‘Family Workplace Cultures’ are actually a Red Flag

In any workplace, there is nothing more essential than feeling like you are part of a team. We all want to feel connected and valued by our colleagues. However, have you ever experienced the use of the term “family” to describe your organization? While it may seem like a heartwarming concept at first, it can … Read more

Appreciating the Different Cookies in Your Cookie Jar

When I say ‘cookies in your cookie jar,’ I’m not literally talking about chocolate chip cookies, oreos, oatmeal raisin, or even peanut butter. But figuratively, I am. Each of these ‘flavors’ represent a different and unique player on your team. How they carry themselves, their work ethic, how they interact with other people. They have … Read more

Quiet Quitting: The Impact Leaders Have on Their People

We’ve all heard of The Great Resignation, but have you heard of Quiet Quitting? When I first heard this term, I thought it was people quietly leaving their roles – but it’s not that. It’s actually everyone who couldn’t quit during the great resignation, but wanted to, and is now doing what we call ‘quiet … Read more

Scaling Caring Leadership to Fit Your Team Growth

scaling business

A reader of my book wrote to me and said, “If there is one area where I’d love to have seen a bit more focus (maybe for the next book!) it would be on transitions.” They said they have managed teams over the years that would typically range between 20-35 employees. Stating that with a … Read more

Can They See Us from Up There?

can they see us from up there leadership

A Recurring Issue In my work, I see time and again the issues that exist at the top of organizations. However, so often, there are a few problems that organizations suffer from that are isolated among top executives.  The people at the top who don’t have buy-in on new initiatives is one I see a … Read more

Do you Need a Leader or a Superhero?

leader superman hero

Leader or Organizational Glue? How often as a leader do you feel like it is your responsibility to hold your whole organization together? Do you strive to keep it together through thick and thin so that no one will see anything other than a fearless leader? You are not alone if those questions hit home.  … Read more


Leadership With Heart With Heather R Younger

“Heather’s courage and vulnerability to share her authentic self are truly inspiring. She shares the most cutting-edge leadership strategies on topics like emotional intelligence and employee experience. If you’re looking to sharpen your leadership skills, this podcast is for you.”

Heather is a Workplace Culture Expert


CEO of Employee Fanatix

A leading workplace culture and employee engagement consulting & training firm.

A highly sought-after keynote speaker

Bringing the best insights from over 25,000 employee stories to the stage.

A top company culture strategist

An expert in creating spaces for these vital conversations.

A contributor to leading news outlets

A trusted expert for stories on workplace culture, customer and employee engagement, and employee retention.


The Cycle of Active Listening

Create a listening culture that elevates the workplace experience for everyone.

Through this guide, uncover how to ensure those in your care at work feel heard and valued, resulting in increased loyalty and satisfaction.

  • Understand why listening is the key to improved engagement
  • Learn how the Cycle of Active Listening contributes to strong workplace relationships
  • Get a practical framework for creating a listening culture that is bidirectional, responsive, and supportive

Contact Heather Today!


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