201: Leaders with Heart Ask the Right Questions

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In this episode, Heather sits down with Misty Guinn, Director of Customer Advocacy at Benefitfocus, a data-driven, cloud-based software solutions for health care and benefits administration. Their mission is to improve lives with benefits that focus on people and culture. Misty believes that leaders can learn exactly what their people need by asking the right questions. After all, it all starts with listening. During her interview with Heather, Misty talks about her leadership journey, why she describes herself as a “recovering perfectionist,” and more. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Her motivation to lead comes from the desire to help people become the best versions of themselves
  • Becoming a mother and becoming more vulnerable made her a better leader
  • Perfection is not real and it’s not authentic
  • Asking your people the right questions can make a world of a difference
  • Surface level questions will lead to surface level results
  • Benefitfocus is a data-driven, cloud-based software solutions program for health care and benefits administration
I'm a recovering perfectionist. - Misty Guinn  #leadershipwithheart Share on X
Our mission is to improve lives with benefits. - Misty Guinn  #leadershipwithheart Share on X

Misty Guinn’s Bio

Misty Guinn is the director of customer advocacy at Benefitfocus, where she works closely with customers and stakeholders to build relationships and experiences that cannot be replicated anywhere else by designing programs that champion Benefitfocus brand, people and culture. She’s dedicated to designing a culture and environment that allows others’ total well-being to flourish through education, programs, and policies, while also improving employees’ health literacy and consumerism. In her previous role at Benefitfocus, she served as the Director of Benefits & Wellness where she established best practices in benefits engagement, education, and data-driven strategies. Misty is committed to fostering the foundations of a healthier workforce and community by embracing all the different pillars of well-being: physical, mental/emotional, financial, and social/purpose. She has been certified as a worksite wellness specialist with the National Wellness Institute and a Franklin Covey Facilitator in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Asking the Right Questions

Being aware of what your people need right now and how they want to be engaged are the most important questions to shift from the professional LinkedIn profiles walking around in your hallways to the whole person walking around. It’s important to ask them what’s going on in their life, not just what benefits they want next year, because you’ll get cookie-cutter answers like medical, dental, vision, etc. But instead, if you ask them deeper questions such as “Are you caregiving for anyone in your family right now? Have you purchased a home in the last 12 months?” You will not only connect, but you’ll be able to add real value to them and their benefits options. Asking the right questions is key before you start designing a benefit plan that doesn’t apply or benefit your people.

questions misty guinn leadership with heart

201: Leaders with Heart Ask the Right Questions Share on X
Being able to continue to help others become the best versions of themselves is something that gets me out of bed every morning. - Misty Guinn  #leadershipwithheart Share on X


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Leadership With Heart With Heather R Younger

“Heather’s courage and vulnerability to share her authentic self are truly inspiring. She shares the most cutting-edge leadership strategies on topics like emotional intelligence and employee experience. If you’re looking to sharpen your leadership skills, this podcast is for you.”

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The Cycle of Active Listening

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