183: Leaders with Heart can Transform Industries

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In this episode, Heather interviews Dr. Karaneh Jahan, who received her baccalaureate degree in Public Health with a minor in Spanish from Portland State University. She later attended Oregon Health and Science University where she obtained her Doctor of Dental Medicine degree. Dr. Kararen Janah worked at seven different dental practices in the span of two years in the search for a non-toxic work environment. After two years of working in negative work environments, she finally decided to open up her own practice. Dr. Jahan is also a certified Holistic Health and Lifestyle coach, helping her clients achieve their healthy mind and body goals, and ultimately to lead happier lives. 

Key Takeaways:

  • You can change the way things are done. 
  • Dentists usually have a negative connotation but Dr. Jahan wants to change that. 
  • Learning how to delegate early will lead to success. 
  • Creating familial bonds with your employees and teams makes work more enjoyable. 
  • Dr. Jahan is working to create non-toxic medical work environments. 

Dr. Karaneh Jahan’s Bio

Dr. Jahan was born in Atlanta, GA, but grew up in various states and countries. She comes from an artistic Persian family of six, and enjoys spending time with family exploring culturally diverse cuisines, traveling and exploring nature of the Pacific Northwest. Dr. Jahan is also an avid horseback rider, violinist, artist, animal lover, and bird whisperer (she has a pet bird named Tutu).

Dr. Karaneh Jahan received her baccalaureate degree in Public Health with a minor in Spanish from Portland State University. She later attended Oregon Health and Science University where she obtained her Doctor of Dental Medicine degree. Most recently achieved certification in Botox administration and Dermal filler implantation, in addition to completion of vigorous training for the placement of Dental Implants to better serve her patients. Dr. Jahan is also a certified Holistic Health and Lifestyle coach, helping her clients achieve their healthy mind and body goals, and ultimately to lead happier lives. 

I see them as a whole person, and not just staff members that come and do the job and take a paycheck home. It’s it’s truly a holistic approach to the whole business. – Dr. Karaneh Jahan #leadershipwithheart Click To Tweet

Toxic Work Environments

After graduating I worked at seven different practices in the span of two years because of toxic work environments. I wasn’t happy at any practice and I would come home and complain about how awful it was to my parents. After two years of it, my dad convinced me to open up my own practice. And I’m so glad I did! It was hard at first, but I’ve learned a lot along the way. For me, the most important thing is to have a practice that isn’t toxic. I think we have a very close, almost familial, bond here and that’s something I am so proud of. I know my team is happy to come to work and that this is more than just a paycheck to them. That was always my goal and I’m so glad the hard work has resulted in what I was striving for.

transform industry dentist podcast

I don't like to micromanage so I give a lot of autonomy and freedom to my team to explore how to do different things, and sometimes it works and sometimes it fails, and then we shift gears. - Dr. Karaneh Jahan #leadershipwithheart Share on X

ASK HEATHER: We’re currently struggling to get new employees, what do you recommend we do? 

Covid really gave people the time to sit back and think about what they really wanted to do with their lives. Many people changed careers and that’s partly why we’re seeing a decrease in candidates. But for you in particular, I would say that you need to highlight what makes you different in your job postings. You have a holistic, non-toxic approach to the way you do things at your practice and that’s what sets you apart from the rest. Highlight that in your job postings and online presence by storytelling so that possible candidates can see the whole picture. 

Dentistry isn't a profession that is liked by the general public, and that is one of the main reasons why I wanted to go into the dental field, I wanted to change that. - Dr. Karaneh Jahan #leadershipwithheart Share on X


Connect with Dr. Karaneh Jahan on LinkedIn 

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Leadership With Heart With Heather R Younger

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