211: Leaders with Heart Build Business with Heart

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In this episode, Heather chats with Scott Ritzheimer, the CEO of Scale Architects. This business helps other businesses identify the right growth strategies and find the proper guides to get them on the fast track to 'Predictable Success' and stay there as long as possible. Scott was an entrepreneur before he even knew it - take a listen.


Key Takeaways: 

  • Surround yourself with like-minded people
  • Discover your passion and the business will follow
  • Scott is passionate about building business - not what the businesses themselves are
  • They have helped start nearly 20,000 new businesses and nonprofits
  • Scale Architects helps founders scale their businesses

211: Leaders with Heart Build Business with Heart Share on X

I help founders scale their businesses. - Scott Ritzheimer Share on X

Scott Ritzheimer's Bio

Scott Ritzheimer is the CEO of Scale Architects - Scott helped start nearly 20,000 new businesses and nonprofits and with his business partner started and led their multimillion-dollar business through an exceptional and extended growth phase (over 10 years of double-digit growth, all before he turned 35).

He founded Scale Architects to help businesses across the country identify the right growth strategies and find the right guides to get them on the fast-track to Predictable Success and stay there as long as possible.

He now travels across the country to speaking to and consulting with founders, CEOs, and their teams to help them not only grow but scale their businesses and do it all without the hustle.


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Leadership With Heart With Heather R Younger

“Heather’s courage and vulnerability to share her authentic self are truly inspiring. She shares the most cutting-edge leadership strategies on topics like emotional intelligence and employee experience. If you’re looking to sharpen your leadership skills, this podcast is for you.”

Heather is a Workplace Culture Expert


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The Cycle of Active Listening

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Through this guide, uncover how to ensure those in your care at work feel heard and valued, resulting in increased loyalty and satisfaction.

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