Agile Conference 2024 – My Experience as Keynote Speaker


Often, we want certain results out of our personal and professional lives, but we don’t put in the work to get to our desired results.

Honestly, I am more of a go-with- your-gut type person who believes in rapid iteration just as much.🙃

BUT I have found that in the times when either stakes are high or I feel the most fear or nervousness, preparedness is the thing that calms me and centers me most. My keynote speaking experiences are a part of the work I do around workplace culture and leadership.

Last week, I was preparing to deliver a talk that I have delivered hundreds of times before. Just because I speak from stages often doesn’t mean I don’t get nervous or sometimes have a fear of flopping. I do.

Heather Younger preparing to keynote Agile

The best antidote to all of those emotions is to prepare.

🎯When I prepare, I can be more present with those in the audience.

🎯When I prepare, I can show up as my whole self.

🎯When I prepare, I can deliver the exact message I am there to deliver to those who need to hear it.

In this picture of me on a plane about to head to the speaking engagement I was preparing for, I was looking happy, but that wasn’t how it started.

Heather Younger on a plane

I was all set to take Matteo with me on an easy direct flight on an airline (won’t disparage). Then, I got the news that our flights were cancelled. Ugh! As a professional speaker, I am very serious about not missing the mark on my client’s tech check or event requests. I immediately jumped into, “get my butt on a plane mode”, and tried to re-book us on another flight. I enlisted the help of my teammate and she and I worked to try to get us booked.

Since I was unsuccessful with getting a flight just for me on any flight that would get me in on time, Samantha Schorn and I doubled up to see if I could get any flight, with connections going ANYWHERE and getting me to Dallas on time.

We found one flight and then another. So, we double booked just in case. (But not before getting excited a handful of times with direct flight options that became unavailable mid-booking🤔)

Anyway, I found a flight and just as I thought we were taking off, they took us back to the gate because of a mechanical issue and required those of us going to Dallas to deplane. They were going to have us go out the next day, but I had that back-up flight. So, I walked quickly to that flight.

I finally got to Dallas for the my tech check with a few hours to spare. It was a close call, but I was really ready and excited to see this room of almost 1,000 agile professionals.

Heather Younger arriving at Agile

All of the preparation in advance helped me nail the keynote, but the audience’s engagement helped it become a great experience for everyone in the room. I had a blast!

Heather Younger at Agile
Heather Younger at Agile

As a speaker, I depend on referrals from those who know me and those who have seen me speak. I work hard to impress upon those in my circle my passion for the caring leadership. I also depend on speaker bureau partners like GDA Speakers, who are a bureau out of Dallas. I was fortunate enough to visit them after I signed books at the event.

GDA speakers

What a great group of people! I am truly blessed to do the work that I do.

Then, the very next day, I did a little work, but took it easy. With self-leadership, we need to care for ourselves so we can show up as our best. I took a nap and then woke up and took two of my sons to the movies. It felt great to be with and spend time with them after I took that time for me.

Heather Younger at the movies with 2 sons

Reflecting on these experiences, I am more inspired than ever to continue my journey as a changemaker. The connections made and the conversations had at the Agile Conference and GDA Speakers have solidified my belief in the power of caring leadership to transform organizations, communities and families(including mine🩷). 

I look forward to continuing this important work and contributing to a more compassionate and effective world!

If you’re looking to inspire and empower your team, consider bringing me in as a speaker. I offer a variety of engagement options including keynote speeches, leadership retreats, training sessions, coffee talks, panel discussions, all-employee meetings, lunch and learns, and meet-the-author events. Let’s work together to create a meaningful and impactful experience for your organization.

Connect with me at:

I thought I’d share some testimonials I received from the Dallas event. I feel good about them. I wanted to give you a peek beyond the curtain. Thanks for reading!

Attendee Testimonials:

“I took so many notes from a presentation perspective. Trying to see critically and wow! She is such a fantastic example! I have so much written to take back just about her presentation style. And the CONTENT! YES!”

“Inspiring and powerful way to change culture. We are all leaders and we have a choice. Learned steps to listen well; empowerment and allowing space for emotion but move forward! Thank you! This was amazing.” 

“The Art of Caring Leadership was a very empowering and inspiring session. Heather shared many actionable visuals and frameworks to use. And she has a great stage personality!”

“This is a session you don’t want to miss! Very insightful Audience and Feedback thought-provoking.”

“There is something for everyone to learn!”

“Engaging discussion with multiple examples of how to lead with empathy, compassion and understanding.”

“Inspiring and shaped my thoughts to steer my thinking and listening with heart and be authentic.”

"That it was fantastic! Love her energy and personal stories! Love her shoes!!"

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Leadership With Heart With Heather R Younger

“Heather’s courage and vulnerability to share her authentic self are truly inspiring. She shares the most cutting-edge leadership strategies on topics like emotional intelligence and employee experience. If you’re looking to sharpen your leadership skills, this podcast is for you.”

Heather is a Workplace Culture Expert


CEO of Employee Fanatix

A leading workplace culture and employee engagement consulting & training firm.

A highly sought-after keynote speaker

Bringing the best insights from over 25,000 employee stories to the stage.

A top company culture strategist

An expert in creating spaces for these vital conversations.

A contributor to leading news outlets

A trusted expert for stories on workplace culture, customer and employee engagement, and employee retention.


The Cycle of Active Listening

Create a listening culture that elevates the workplace experience for everyone.

Through this guide, uncover how to ensure those in your care at work feel heard and valued, resulting in increased loyalty and satisfaction.

  • Understand why listening is the key to improved engagement
  • Learn how the Cycle of Active Listening contributes to strong workplace relationships
  • Get a practical framework for creating a listening culture that is bidirectional, responsive, and supportive

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